The Brief
We were , appointed by Main Contractor Andrew Scott. at tender stage to progress the detailed design of the new School at Carreg Hirfaen, Cwmann, based upon plan layout proposals only, which were produced by Carmarthesnhireshire County Council and formed part of the tender documentation. Both the Contractor and design team were appointed as a result of a tender process which involved financial and quality submission together with final interviews.
The Solution
This project gave us the opportunity to demonstrate our capabilities and experience in the design of new schools with the building being designed with a high emphasis on health and well being.
The acoustic performance of the school aimed to exceed the performance standards set out in Building Bulletin 93 (BB93) with at least 80% of the occupied spaces receiving adequate daylighting and views out. From analyzing existing schools recently completed it was found that by maximizing the use of natural light it provides both pupils and staff with a much happier, enjoyable “working” environment.
The traditional design of pitch slated / tiled roofs and a mix of render / feature boarding to the wall surfaces was given a contemporary flavour with the introduction of the window styling and various other features
In association with the Bream Assessor and M & E Consultants, materials were specified, primarily with green guide A+ rating to ensure that the environmental impact of the building was minimised. Every effort was made to reduce the energy demand of the building, before applying any low / zero carbon hardware to the building, in accordance with the accepted Energy Hierarchy regime.
It also proves that we can successfully work directly under the Principle Contractor and provide a quality service that is unhindered by the design and build process. It also gave us another insight into the working so an NEC collaborative contract working arrangement.
St Davids